Troy Aikman Komt Uit de Kast

QueerIk had de eer om Troy Aikman in 2001 de hand te schudden. Hij was groter dan ik dacht. En hij had ook een hele vage blik in die kikkerogen van 'm. Terugkijkend verbaast me dat nou helemaal niks. Washington Redskins receiver Brandon Lloyd heeft inside information. Een uitgeschreven versie na de 'click'.

B-Lloyd: It's tough. It's a tough, it's a tough, it's a fine line between when a guy's showing passion and when a guy doesn't care, you know what I mean? Some guys take losses differently, some guys are able to smile, that's the way guys get over it. Some guys are pissed off for a couple days or till the next game. Guys take it differently. It's tough. It's so much outside input here. I see why people are confused. You're listening to a guy like Troy Aikman, and you're a fan and you don't really know much about football, I see why you're confused (laughing).

There's no such thing as an easy catch in football, there's no such thing.

Junks: Especially when you laid out like that.

B-Lloyd: You know what I mean? So it's tough, man. And I don't believe Troy Aikman anyway. He wasn't man enough to admit his personal life situation while he was a player.

Junks: Wowwwww.

B-Lloyd: So I have a tough time believing him.

Junks: What do you mean his personal life?B-Lloyd: And there's nothing wrong with his personal life, you know, I have nothing wrong with, with…. (laughter)

Junks: Do you know that that's true?

B-Lloyd: Hey, I'm speculating too. Troy's speculating and I'm speculating.

Junks: [tumult] You're just throwing him under the….NFL players don't….He's like married….He's just speculating….Are you saying that you know something we don't?

B-Lloyd: No, I'm speculating, just like he's speculating. You guys are crazy. (Laughter)

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